
Labor Articles

Military members across all branches received a 5.2% basic pay raise in 2024. This is the highest increase of the past two decades. The increase  follows a 4.6% raise in 2023. Other allowances also...
What makes a place good or bad for workers? Well, according to Oxfam America, a nonprofit with the mission of lowering poverty, places that “have the most robust laws to mandate adequate wages,...
Here are some of the ways Ford is under pressure to cut or eliminate its dividend, which would not make investors happy.
Has Ford announced its next dividend payment? Stay tuned for another update and, perhaps, more job actions when UAW President Shawn Fein holds a press conference later in the morning.
The United Auto Workers (UAW) has struck one of Ford’s most profitable plants, potentially harming the company's future in electric vehicles (EVs).
Two new strikes against U.S. and Canadian auto plants began on Monday. Did anyone notice?
Ford has made a new offer to settle the UAW strike, and the trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried began Tuesday. Also, interest on U.S. Treasury notes keeps rising.
California has passed a law raising the hourly minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20.
UAW President Shawn Fain announced Friday that 7,000 union members would walk off their jobs at a one Ford and one GM assembly plant, bringing the total number of striking workers to more than 25,000.
How much does the Ford family make from the dividends on the shares they own? Does it matter to the UAW?
President Biden is visiting a UAW picket line in Michigan Tuesday, a first for a sitting U.S. president.
Amazon has jumped into the AI pool, the Hollywood writers' strike may be over, and crude oil prices are about where everyone would like them to be.