
layoffs Articles

Months of job increases could be reversed quickly if industries such as retail, travel and consumer goods suffer a drop in demand. The remedy to a fall-off in revenue is usually cost cuts, and often...
Walmart's new "Great Workplace" plan is expected to trigger job cuts that almost certainly will be in the thousands, another sign that brick-and-mortar retailers continue to struggle.
Sprint and T-Mobile finally will merge. As happens in all such transitions, some people will lose their jobs.
Wayfair's excuse for layoffs was that the company wants to drive efficiencies. That is what most faltering retailers say.
The hundreds of people JPMorgan will fire is a very modest number. But at some point, bank branches will look like chain drug stores and large retailers, where transactions do not require humans.
3M reported results Tuesday morning and announced a restructuring that will shave 1,500 people from the payroll. But the cash flow forecast for 2020 is probably a bigger drag on the stock price.
Amid the pullbacks that retailers have experienced in and following this holiday season, there seems to be at least one retailer that made actual progress.
If a large chain like Tribune Publishing cannot effectively fight the industry's problems, what can the industry expect from everyone else?
WeWork's CEO will get more than $1 billion in the bailout. But will he give any of that to the thousands of people WeWork will lay off in the next several weeks?
HP says it will lay off as many as 9,000 workers over the next three years as a means to save $1 billion.
It may be that the slowing economy and the trade war with China, two interdependent factors, have started to catch up with corporate confidence. Layoffs surged in August.
Pew Researched has released a study showing that 27% of America's large newspapers cut staff last year. There is no reason to think that the layoff trend is over.
Ford CEO Jim Hackett has had over two years to show some progress in turning around the company. Absent any, the board of directors needs to fire him.
New research shows that over 2,000 newspapers have closed since 2004, a staggering figure given that the industry was once among the largest employers in America.
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill to take the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. There is evidence that more than 3 million people could lose jobs because companies may be unable...