least popular state governors

least popular state governors Articles

24/7 Wall St. Insights State governors tend to be evaluated more favorably by their constituents than most other high-profile government officials. In most states, a majority of registered voters...
For most of the last two decades, Americans have been more likely to self-identify as Democrats than as Republicans. More recently, however, the Democratic Party’s base has been eroding. According...
Public trust in high-level, U.S. government institutions stands at near record lows. According to a June 2023 Gallup survey, only 27% of Americans have a high-level of confidence in the U.S. Supreme...
A majority of Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his job as president. Though Biden’s approval rating has inched up in recent weeks, to just 43%, it remains below his 44% average and...
Every year from 1992 to 2021, Americans have been more likely, or as likely, to support the Democratic Party than the Republican Party, according to Gallup polls. But now, for the first time in three...
The specific duties of elected officials vary considerably from one branch of government to the next and between the different levels of government. But one common responsibility shared by virtually...