life lessons

life lessons Articles

Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that resembles a hybrid of judo and wrestling, with takedowns, grappling, joint locks and chokes. It began in Japan but was modified in 1925 by HĂ©lio...
Warren Buffett made his first million by 32. At 56 he started making real money, becoming a billionaire. Today, at 93, his fortune is $139 billion, making him one of the world’s top 1o richest...
If you’re in your 50s, it makes sense to pay attention to what Warren Buffett says. After all, he became a billionaire at age 56, and now, at a lively 93 years old, he is worth an astounding $139...
In our teens and twenties, most of us want to do things our own way. But by the time we reach our 30s, the realities of life are hitting hard: childcare, car repairs, endless student loan payments,...
The early 1900s were a time of dramatic changes. The Spanish flu pandemic was ravaging the world. The virus struck quickly, inciting fear and stoking panic on a global scale, eventually leading...