Mario Draghi

Mario Draghi Articles

Draghi on Eurozone Recovery European Central Bank President Mario Draghi told media outlet Europe 1: “We have not yet emerged from the crisis. The recovery for most of the euro zone will certainly...
ThinkstockThe Greek government’s statistical agency this morning reported that the country’s unemployment rate in August rose to 25.4%, from 24.8% in July and 18.4% in August of 2011. Among those...
ThinkstockTo virtually no one’s surprise, the European Central Bank (ECB) this morning announced that it will leave its key interest rate unchanged at a record low of 0.75%. Now everyone will wait...
thinkstockThe European Central Bank has decided to leave interest rates unchanged. This means that the refinance rate will remain at 0.75%. Today’s statement from the monetary policy decisions...
German newspaper Bild said today that the European Central Bank and the Bundesbank have in-house lawyers checking on the legality of the ECB’s new bond-buying program. They are investigating both...
Stocks climbed Thursday after the European Central Bank head Mario Draghi said the bank  would consider buying government bonds in unlimited quantities to stabilize financial markets. Thursday’s...
The Bank of England this morning announced that it would leave its policy lending rate unchanged at 0.5%, the same level it has been on since March of 2009. The bank also left its bond-buying program...
At its meeting today in advance of tomorrow’s scheduled announcement of yet another plan to save the eurozone’s banking system, the European Central Bank (ECB) will discuss a plan put forward by...
Bloomberg Television is reporting that the European Central Bank president Mario Draghi is going propose embarking on unlimited sterilized bond buying, although it will refrain from attempting to...
The chief of Germany’s powerful central bank may step down. German newspaper Bild reports that German Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann will resign. The reason given is his battle with ECB...
The war of wills between ECB chief Mario Draghi and Germany’s Bundesbank continues, as the chance that the European Central Bank will have a free hand in buying sovereign debt of weak nations in...
Mario Draghi is out with his post-ECB report trying to explain the “no rate cut” action this morning — the European Central Bank left rates on hold. We signaled that Draghi may be...
While European stocks rose to a four-month high and most Asian markets advanced, U.S. stock-index futures are lower this morning. No major U.S. economic reports are set for release today. Earnings...
Germany has formally rejected the plans of the European Central Bank (ECB) president, Mario Draghi, to buy sovereign paper, which could range into the tens of billions of dollars, to bring down...
Anyone who bet that India, Brazil and China would slow down in an exact order was a winner. Actually, it is hard to say where the drop-off began and when. China certainly joined the group as its...