medal of honor

medal of honor Articles

The Battle of Iwo Jima was fought over a grueling 36 days between February and March of 1945. This battle pitted American marines and sailors against a deeply entrenched Imperial Japanese force. Many...
The Vietnam War was a period that defined modern America, not just in a cultural sense, but the military doctrine that came from this war as well. From this time also came some of the most valiant...
For over 150 years, the Medal of Honor has stood as the highest award in the U.S. military across all branches. It recognizes the service members who have distinguished themselves with the highest...
The Medal of Honor is regarded as the highest achievement possible within the Armed Forces of the United States. Service members across all branches of the U.S. military have earned this prestigious...
World War II is perhaps the greatest conflict this world has ever known, reshaping the world order to more or less what we know it as today. During this tumultuous time, extraordinary acts of bravery...
From its beginning in December 1861, the Medal of Honor stands as the pinnacle of military recognition in the United States, awarded for unparalleled acts of valor and heroism. This medal unites...
Major General Smedley Darlington Butler was born on July 30, 1881, in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and died June 21, 1940. He was a war hero and outspoken critic of America’s corrupt wars. #1...
Since its inception in December 1861, the Medal of Honor has been awarded for acts of heroism and bravery by U.S. servicemen as a symbol of the highest level of duty one can perform for their...