
Moody's Articles

Moody’s says that plans by Congress and the Administration to extend tax cuts may stimulate the US economy for the next year. That will be the end of the positive effects. The budget deficit and...
Moody’s reports that US corporations have amassed $1 trillion in cash. The document, entitled “U.S. Corporate Cash Hoard Near $1 Trillion, But Unlikely To Be Used for Expansion” explains that...
Spain lost its precious Aaa rating as Moody’s downgraded its sovereign debt one notch to Aa1. The agency said the outlook for the new rating is stable. Moody’s gave three reasons for the...
Moody’s may take away Spain’s Aaa rating this week, according to a media reports. The Anglo Irish bank was downgraded due to concerns about risk. The cost of insurance against the debt of the...
In a world where the value and risks of sovereign debt is being constantly threatened, one of the world’s oldest nations will keep its Aaa rating. Moody’s announced that “Despite a weak...
Moody’s and S&P have had a habit of downgrading sovereign paper in nations such as Greece, Spain, and Portugal long after it was clear to the capital markets that their prospects to pay their...
The second half of the real-estate debacle was supposed to come in the second of half of 2010. The first part came in 2008, when the value of residential mortgage-backed securities fell hard and fast...