morning consult

morning consult Articles

With the 2024 presidential election only months away, the major parties’ leading candidates are, from a historical perspective, uniquely unpopular. A recent Gallup poll found that President Joe...
For much of his first term in office, President Joe Biden has not fared well in public opinion surveys. During his first three years as president, Biden had an average job approval rating of just 43%...
The United States Senate is more politically polarized than it has been in decades. According to analysis by the Pew Research Center, the ideological gap between Republican and Democratic senators is...
The United States Senate is the highest chamber of the legislative branch. Made up of 100 lawmakers – two from each state – the senate body’s constitutional powers include oversight over the...
When Joe Biden was sworn in as president on Jan. 20, 2021, only 37% of American adults disapproved of his job performance – a low the office had not seen since the final weeks of the Obama...
Since announcing in April 2023 plans to run for a second term, President Joe Biden has been the presumptive Democratic candidate in the 2024 race for the White House. How he fares on Election Day...
Of all major government institutions, the U.S. Congress is the least trusted by the American people. A recent poll conducted by public opinion research company Morning Consult found that only 39% of...
The U.S. Senate is the most powerful lawmaking body in the United States, and in recent years, it has become one of the most dysfunctional and least trusted institutions in American government....
Historically, the first midterm election of any new president’s administration often results in a net-gain of congressional seats to the opposition party. Between the end of World War II and 2018,...
Distrust in government institutions is surging in the United States. According to a recent Gallup poll, only 25% of American adults had a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the...
In the first two years of his administration, President Joe Biden was backed by a Democratically controlled congress. With a Democratic majority on Capitol Hill, Biden pushed through a number of...
A majority of Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his job as president. Though Biden’s approval rating has inched up in recent weeks, to just 43%, it remains below his 44% average and...
Every year from 1992 to 2021, Americans have been more likely, or as likely, to support the Democratic Party than the Republican Party, according to Gallup polls. But now, for the first time in three...