oil prices

oil prices Articles

Ten states have gas prices that have cracked the barrier of $3 for an average gallon of regular.
As the price of oil has risen, predictions that gasoline will top $3 nationwide for the average gallon of regular have grown.
Oil prices were last above $100 in August 2014, as the world’s economy surged back from The Great Recession. Short supply from the North Sea and Libya were the other primary culprits. By, February...
The best predictor of gasoline prices is oil prices. They almost always outweigh refinery costs, transportation costs and state gas taxes. Crude oil prices, which were $36 a barrel at the end of...
WTI crude oil has dropped nearly 9% early Tuesday as demand has slipped again, leaving bulging inventories and a prediction for continued low prices.
Chesapeake stock has jumped, even after a private equity firm dumped its stake. Can rising crude oil prices save the company from bankruptcy?
The price of benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude oil dropped below $15 a barrel today, down 21% in a day.
Crude oil prices could drop to $5 a barrel because of the collision of the Saudi-Russian production spat and an almost certain crater of global demand.
Oil prices have fallen so far that traders are befuddled. In turn, gasoline prices are sliding toward $1 per gallon.
Retail gas prices dropped by double digits in most of the United States over the course of the past week, and the national average price for a gallon of gas has reached its lowest level for the year...
The problem for itchy trigger finger investors with cash to put to work is that there may be the possibility of even more big-time downside risk until an actual bottom is put in.
The price of a gallon of regular gasoline has dropped to less than two dollars in some cities. Due to the effect of the coronavirus, not everyone will be able to take advantage of it.
The president is due to announce steps the administration plans to take to head off a recession due to the twin threats of collapsing oil prices and an outbreak of coronavirus. Here's what to look...
The average price of a gallon of regular gas has dropped recently and may be well below $2 within a few weeks.
It is hard to imagine any positive aspect of the coronavirus which is taking lives, roughing up markets, and pushing parts of the world toward recession. However, the drop in oil prices will steepen...