Personal Finance

Personal Finance Articles

U.S. consumers currently owe $1.17 trillion in car loans but the pace of year over year growth has slowed, according to the latest data from credit-reporting agency Experian.
Three websites would be closed permanently and fined $575,000 by the Federal Trade Commission for illegally selling cosmetic contact lenses.
As new car prices rise, so too do used car prices. But if you're in the market for a good used car, you can't beat the deals available in December.
A data breach that started in 2014 when Starwood Hotels was still an independent company may have released 500 million guest records. Marriott, which acquired Starwood in 2016, may be on the hook for...
History's most destructive and deadliest of California wildfires, the Camp Fire, was fully contained on Monday. Property losses from the fire and the Woolsey fire in southern California could reach...
With Thanksgiving holiday travel officially beginning Friday, here are some tips on what food items travelers can carry on and what must be in checked baggage. And, yes, turkeys can fly.
Insurance company Genworth Financial published a new report Thursday on long-term care options and their costs for 2018 and the rate at which costs will rise over the next 15 years.
Although the number of incidents and records exposed is down year over year, the trend toward more and bigger data breaches exposing more data continues.
The financial media keeps reminding the public that the next big sell-off, or even a crash, could be right around the corner. But you don't have to lose your assets during a sell-off, or even during...
  This last week was a crazy end to the October selling craze being followed by a flood of stock buying this week prior to Friday’s major profit taking. Some of that buying is obviously being...
  While the notion of “Peak Auto” is not a new observation about the U.S. domestic car buying trends, there is another source of pressure that has not garnered as much as attention despite how...
A new study by researchers at Lending Tree shows that average home down payments are falling. This is good news for both buyers and sellers.
With more jobs available than Americans who are looking for work, now might be a great opportunity for discouraged workers to get back into the job market.
The number of unbanked and underbanked people in America has continued to shrink in America.
It is no secret that winning the lottery has become the new version of the American Dream. While the odds of winning are lower than the odds of being struck by lightning on a sunny day, it’s easy...