Personal Finance

Personal Finance Articles

Researchers at found nine vehicles that may be a better buy new rather than a year old. There are also eight vehicles that offer substantial savings if you buy the one-year-old model...
This weekend's big game is another one for the records, and Tom Brady's share of the attention is off the charts.
The number of data breaches reported to the Identity Theft Research Center in January was slightly lower than a year ago, but the number of records exposed remains much higher.
Recent changes to the U.S. tax law has had a little-understood impact on home equity loans. If you're considering such a loan, you need to know this.
Buying a home is still a big part of the American dream. Here are some survey results that indicate just how big a part and for which Americans.
The number of data breaches in 2017 exceeded 1,500 according to the Identity Theft Resource Center and CyberScout data. That's a 45% year-over-year increase and easily a new record.
A massive data breach at a popular national restaurant chain has pushed the number of compromised user records to more than 3 million in the first few weeks of the new year.
What are the best jobs available to job seekers this year? If you're looking, job site Glassdoor has a list of the 50 best jobs for 2018 based on salary, satisfaction, and number of such jobs...
Data breaches exposing personal records reached a record high of more than 1,500 in 2017. In the first half of January, 39 breaches were recorded that exposed nearly 3 million records. Not a good...
Investments in home improvement projects vary widely in their return value. Here are six that offer the best return for your home remodeling dollars.
There are still small cities in the United States that offer a good quality of life and affordable housing. Here are the 10 U.S. cities where housing costs are the lowest.
Americans are keeping their cars and light trucks longer than ever. Here are the 15 most popular vehicles to own for at least 15 years.
Applications for new mortgages rose last week, even though mortgage interest rates rose to multi-month highs in some instances and multi-year highs in others.
Refinancing existing student loans can be a good choice for many graduates, but be prepared to jump through some pretty tight hoops.
If you're thinking about selling your home in 2018, the earlier you get it on the market the more likely you are to get the highest price.