
Pizza Articles

Millennials have plenty of reasons to love Italian food. It’s easy to cook, ingredients are incredibly inexpensive, and it’s also “Instagrammable.” At least, that is what one...
Pizza is about to have a moment. For starters, National Pizza Day is on February 9. Considering that Americans eat an acre’s worth of pizza every day (per Dairy Herd Management), it seems only...
It probably comes as no surprise that the United States is the world leader in fast-food consumption. The U.S. ranks well ahead of other fast-food-loving nations, such as the United Kingdom, France,...
It’s hard to beat the convenience of frozen pizza. When the calendar is filled with work deadlines, school projects, piano recitals, basketball practices, and just general busyness, popping a...
Beer and pizza go together like, well, milk and cookies or maybe margaritas and tacos. Fast-food operations aside, it’s impossible to imagine a pizza parlor that doesn’t offer a good...
Pizza Hut is one of the most well-known and widespread fast-food pizza chains in the world. They currently have over 19,000 locations in over 100 countries and had a gross profit of over $5 billion...
There’s no doubt that we love pizza in America. According to some studies, it’s our favorite food, enjoyed more than steak, hamburgers, tacos, or pasta. Statistics show that we eat an average of...
Pizza arrived in America sometime in the late 19th century, and the earliest pizzerias probably opened just before the dawn of the 20th.  The people responsible for bringing pizza to these shores,...
There are an estimated 77,000 pizzerias, including chain restaurant locations, around the U.S., and while a pie from Domino’s or Papa John’s will probably be pretty much identical from one corner...
Chain restaurants as we know them today probably started with the ABC (Aerated Bread Company) and Lyons teashops that popped up in London and elsewhere around the U.K. in the mid- to late-19th...
While there is debate over whether distinctly American cuisine exists, the country undeniably has many iconic dishes adopted from immigrants or invented here, from burgers to tacos. These are foods...
Italian food may or may not still constitute our favorite international fare (there is evidence that younger generations prefer Mexican, for instance), but you have only to glance through the recipes...