
Politics Articles

The Obama team has owned up to the fact that aiding the crippled economy will put the US budget into a trillion dollar deficit. It has gone so far as to say that the spending could go beyond that...
Down in Washington, a bunch of Congressmen who lost their jobs and bunch of others taking lobbying money under the table for a piece of the bailout fund, are drawing and quartering the SEC.The...
Experts keep saying that there is only so much bailout money to go around. That going around is getting bigger as states and municipalities try to figure out what to do as their tax revenues fall...
It is easy to look at Kuwait’s abandonment of a deal with Dow Chemical (DOW) as a simple economic decision on the part of the small Arab country. But, the country’s Parliament was involved. It...
For decades, labor’s strongholds were in the car business, newspapers, states and municipalities, and transportation. Between the UAW and the AFL-CIO millions of workers had jobs which were...
The new Congress and administration will probably set up programs using $800 billion to create jobs. The total number of people they hope to put back to work could be three million or more. The cash...
Institutions that are not likely to pay their bills have to offer higher interest rates for capital. Old rule. Usually works. Credit agencies issue ratings which allow investors to decide how much...
SEC chief Christopher Cox admits that the agency bungled the Madoff matter. He says that the agency received warnings as early as 1999. For some reason those warnings did not make it from the staff...
Siemens (SI) will pay the US an $800 million fine to settle a bribery case. That may not seem like a lot side-by-side with the Paulson plan, but if the federal government can start increasing its...
It is relatively easy to count the Russian czars. There were twenty-six from Ivan IV to Nicholas II. That does not count the grand princes that ruled before them, but it still puts Russia in the lead...
It is nice of him. Very nice. Henry Paulson intends to leave $410 billion of his bailout fund to be used by the new administration, unless some emergency arises over the next few weeks. He may write...
AIG (AIG) probably has the wrong management in place. A retired CEO from Allstate may not be the man. The insurance company lost another $24.47 billion billion in the third quarter. The current plan...
Most companies would never think of sending out a press release congratulating the new president. It looks too self-serving and smarmy. Comverge (COMV) could not help making itself look foolish. The...
The verdict is in, and change has arrived.  Barack Obama has defeated John McCain in the 2008 Presidential election.  We at 24/7 Wall St. have done everything we could to not show any political...
Depending upon where your local elections are held, it looks like we are the half-way mark for most voting poll times today.  What has been a 19- or 20- month ordeal is about to come to an end.  If...