
Politics Articles

On Monday, a simple tweet from presidential candidate Hillary Clinton managed to wreck the biotech sector.
Greece goes to the polls for the third time in four years on Sunday, and the consequences could be very deep, and pushing the monetary union into disarray for a fourth time.
thinkstockAnother presidential debate is on deck. With election season set to take off into full overdrive in the weeks and months ahead, 24/7 Wall St. wanted to take a statistical view of each...
The latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau on poverty, health insurance and income shows an alarming number of people aged 20 to 35 (millennials) are still going without health insurance.
The majority leader of the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to announce in a speech Tuesday in Houston that the full House will vote on legislation lifting the 40-year old ban on exports of...
The United Nations General Assembly on Monday adopted a negotiating text that sets the stage for adding India as a permanent member of the Security Council.
When the IAEA begins its week-long conference in Vienna Monday, Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, will lead a delegation from his country.
Lockheed, which does not have a contract for a military ground vehicle, would like very much to acquire one, and this latest JLTV deal may have been the last for a while.
For those who still do not see Bernie Sanders, the junior Senator from Vermont and self-described democratic socialist, as a viable presidential candidate, it may be time to think again.
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew had some strong words for China, indicating that the United States would hold China accountable for its currency manipulation.
Researchers found that 51% of households headed by an immigrant used at least one welfare program during 2012, compared with 30% of native households.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration report on the impact of lifting the current ban on exporting U.S. crude has a little something for both sides of the argument.
The U.S. Senate has barely resumed its deliberations after a month-long recess and already the U.S. Air Force and two of its major programs are taking more heat.
Building a wall between the United States and Mexico might be done in a few years. The undertaking would be expensive, but no one knows how much.
U.S. ArmyNow that the Pentagon has settled on a replacement for the venerable Humvee, the U.S. Army is expected to solicit bids by the end of the year to replace a relatively small number of...