
Politics Articles

More than $50 billion in defense spending is set to be chopped from the federal budget at the end of this year as part of the compromise deal reached last August that raised the US debt ceiling. US...
SEC filings often have unique filings of corporate actions or actions against companies by their shareholders.  Sometimes they are nothing short of very odd.  An obscure filing is one called the...
Jon OggA sharply rising Japanese yen raises the possibility that the Bank of Japan will intervene in currency markets to push down the nation’s currency. The USD-JPY exchange rate plunged to 77.84...
The April report on personal income and outlays from the Department of Commerce is out today. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, personal income rose 0.2% month-over-month in April in both...
 Scott Paul, the Executive Director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing is one of the most loud mouthed lobbyists in Washington . He is willing to speak out on any subject, apparently...
Negotiations in Baghdad between Iran and the P5+1 nations — the US, the UK, France, China, Russia, and Germany — over the continued development of Iran’s nuclear program and the existing and...
The Congressional Budget Office reports that the U.S. economy could nosedive in the first half of 2013 — unless Congress and the White House keep taxes low and do not cut federal spending too...
At this weekend’s meeting of the leaders of the G8 countries (the US, the UK,Germany, Japan, Canada, Italy, France, and Russia) at Camp David, President Obama is expected to raise the issue of...
In a presentation today, St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James Bullard that further monetary actions by the Fed’s FOMC had been placed on “pause” as a result of the modest gains in the...
Canada-based exploration & production company InterOil Corp. (NYSE: IOC) said yesterday that it believes the government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is preparing to cancel the agreement under which...
At a speech to a group of Texas bankers, Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher was asked to comment on the news of the $2 billion trading loss reported by JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:...
In a speech today to the Economic Club of Minnesota, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Naryana Kocherlakota reviewed the Fed’s new transparency policies (he supports them) and then...
Some Eurozone officials are reported to be considering delaying tomorrow’s scheduled €5.2 billion payment to Greece that is part of the €130 billion bailout package sealed by the EU, the IMF,...
Faced with considerable consumer and political pressure to review its plan to close hundreds of the country’s smallest post offices, the US Postal Service announced today that it would propose a...
Shares of First Solar Inc. (NASDAQ: FSLR) just can’t seem to find a bottom. The only thing to say about this is that maybe today’s the day. Yet the company’s singular story is part of a larger...