
Politics Articles

The largest of the remaining institutions in the federal government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) re-paid its $3.5 billion loan today. Regions Financial Corp. (NYSE: RF) has also paid US...
Virtually as soon as last month’s Greek debt swap deal was done, Fitch Ratings lifted their rating on Greek debt from ‘Restricted Default’ to ‘B-/Stable’. That’s still junk, but a higher...
The Islamic Republic of Iran has been forced to begin trading its oil for goods as the US-led imposition of sanctions make it increasingly difficult for the country to obtain hard currency for its...
Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos told an Italian interviewer that the country may need a third bailout package from fellow Eurozone members, even though the country will do everything it can to...
Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank President Charles Plosser said today that he does not believe that US monetary policy would be well-served by further accommodation. Additional Fed bond purchases...
The executive director of International Energy Agency has released a statement this morning that is pushing crude prices down further today: The oil market has been tightening in recent months; crude...
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has released its latest economic assessment for the G7 group of the world’s largest developed economies. The OECD expects economic...
The US Supreme Court this morning listened to arguments related to the individual mandate provision of the health care reform act, or Obamacare. The court has three clear options: one, to reject the...
The chatter is heating up that the US, the UK, and France are considering a co-ordinated release of crude oil from their strategic reserves. Last year during the turmoil in Libya, the International...
Energy prices have begun to smother President Obama’s popularity. A new Reuters/Ipsos shows that 68% of Americans do not approve of how Obama has handled the gas price crisis. Reuters reports that:...
In a second day of argument, the US Supreme Court today seemed to indicate that the majority of justices are coming down against the individual mandate in the health care reform act known as...
Ally Financial inc.Ally Financial Inc., the former finance arm of General Motors Co. (NYSE: GM) known as GMAC, received more than $17 billion in federal bailout funds in 2008 and is now majority...
The German government had been expected to cut the country’s solar PV subsidy by 15% in April, and by 2% a month thereafter. PV Magazine is reporting today that following a meeting last night,...
Just before 10:00 a.m. this morning, Reuters published a story reporting that Iranian crude oil exports have fallen by 300,000 barrels/day in March. That’s a drop of 14% in Iran’s exports and the...
Gallup is out with a new survey today indicating that 42% of Americans consider the “energy situation” to be “very serious.” Presumably the “situation” is whether or not there’s enough,...