
Politics Articles

Today in Cushing, Oklahoma, President Obama said that his administration would get moving right now on the southern portion of the Keystone XL pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf Coast: We’re making...
The federal government’s $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) has recovered all but about $11 billion in the funds it distributed to US financial institutions in 2008 and 2009. Last...
In remarks this morning to a business group on Long Island, New York Federal Reserve President William Dudley noted that while US economic growth had picked up in the fourth quarter of 2011, we’ve...
In a speech in Frankfurt, Germany, Chicago Federal Reserve President Charles Evans used a classical metaphor to describe his position on what Fed policy should be going forward: I would like to see...
Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner has spent much of the past year lecturing Europe on how it should get its financial house in order. EU leaders have said that he should turn his attention to...
The Administration, smarting from accusations that it has done too little for the manufacturing sector because of a perception that American jobs have been eroded by the unfair trade practices of...
Angela Merkel faces a 2013 re-election bid. Polls taken in her country show that as many as 70% of citizens do not favor a bailout of Greece or any other eurozone nations. Several of her political...
Until very recently, many members of Congress were anxious to marry any increase in federal expenditures with budget cuts to offset them. That changed suddenly as leaders in the House and Senate...
If you are watching the market news, the status of Greece is on again and off again.  It sounds like a Greek deal is no longer a sure thing and earlier today it actually looked questionable as to...
The U.S. does not really feel any closer to energy independence.  There is too much infighting and attacking the companies which can help that energy independence, even if some attacks are...
The Congressional Budget Office is out with its outlook and deficits are expected to continue.  This report is released each January and the goal is not to be political from this body but to find...
The Federal Reserve has no more room cut interest rates.  About all it can do is to take the discount rate lower than the 0.75% but the target rate of 0.00% to 0.25% for Fed Funds is already a...
The Fed is going to continue on its dual-mandate of inflation and employment as it stated that it will take a balanced approach to maintain price stability and to promote employment.  While...
This was definitely going to be a different sort of FOMC day with the way that the new communications are going to show more of the inner-thinking of the Federal Reserve on rates and monetary...