quantitative easing

quantitative easing Articles

Global markets began to rally today, and the trend may continue as speculation that the Federal Reserve will start QE3 widens. The main cause of the speculation is that US GDP grew only 2.2%, which...
BP (NYSE: BP) wants a trial over the Deepwater Horizon delayed while it tries to get a settlement. (Reuters) The International Monetary Fund receives $320 billion in new funds that could be used to...
The FOMC has released its minutes from the March 13, 2012 FOMC meeting discussing the developments in financial markets and the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet.  The forecast for 2013 and 2014...
Ben Bernanke spoke very briefly with CNBC’s Steve Liesman ahead of his four lectures this week to talk about the context of the recent financial crisis.  Mr. Bernanke said that the economy is...
Moody’s may cut Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) and UBS (NYSE: UBS) as the global euro crisis spreads. (Reuters) Officials in Japan arrest former Olympus executives. (Reuters) Congress reaches a deal on...
The Federal Reserve has no more room cut interest rates.  About all it can do is to take the discount rate lower than the 0.75% but the target rate of 0.00% to 0.25% for Fed Funds is already a...
This was definitely going to be a different sort of FOMC day with the way that the new communications are going to show more of the inner-thinking of the Federal Reserve on rates and monetary...
Germany’s PMI contracts. Germany’s PMI contracted for the first time since September 2009, and to the lowest level since July 2009 — in the midst of the recession. This signals that the...
Updated throughout the day. Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) is in talks to buy Carrefour Brazil (Reuters) Ben Bernanke may announced QE3 today (various) HSBC (NYSE: HBC) may sell its credit card business (FT)...
Markets rose yesterday, to some extent on a belief that the Federal Reserve would try to boost the economy through a third round of quantitative easing. This has become known as QE3, a reprise of the...
A debt deal agreed to by both parties will be voted on today (Reuters) The debt deal is likely to cause a sharp improvement in stock prices (Reuters) Hackers said they hit a cyber supplier to the US...
Americans have begun to lose confidence in the economy again. Gallup data shows the figure is back to the level of March 2009 — three months before the last recession ended. The federal government...
The EU has reached no decision on Greece. The IMF favors private sector involvement (Reuters) Japan warned about the economic results of the rapid rise in the yen (Reuters) The dollar fell as...
In its July Market Report, OPEC predicts that demand for crude oil will rise by 1.32 million barrels/day in 2012. The International Energy Agency is predicting an increase of 1.5 million barrels/day....
Today’s FOMC Minutes from the June 21 to 22 Fed meeting may have had a small impact in the markets today, but the real question is whether or not two-week old data should matter when a mountain of...