quantitative easing

quantitative easing Articles

Credit Suisse is joining the ranks of those who are bracing for even higher interest rates. The firm warned of a real risk that bond yields could rise more than expected.
For those who view negative interest rates on sovereign debt as a tax, there is good news. For those who want to use sovereign debt as a means of building wealth rather than just parking assets for...
There is still a massive amount of sovereign debt trading around the planet with negative yields. Yep, you get less money back than you invested.
The Bank of England has decided to try to fend off more economic weakness, and hopefully avoid a recession, by lowering interest rates for the first time in seven years and launching bond buying
The demand for safe-haven trades is becoming almost zany. It seems unthinkable that there was nearly $10 trillion in sovereign debt with negative yields just a few weeks ago. Now the tally for...
The decision on interest rates from the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has finally been made. As we expected, no rate hike was seen.
Wednesday’s announcement from the Federal Reserve brought no rate hike on fed funds. This was virtually as expected. There was only one vote to hike rates. What has changed is that the Federal...
Moody's is warning that negative interest rates in Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden are having unintended consequences.
Monday may be getting a bit of fresh air from the discussions by the European Central Bank at the European Parliament plenary debate, which was over the ECB Annual Report for 2014.
It seems very unrealistic, or like too much of a risk, that Fed Chair Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve presidents would vote to raise interest rates now.
European Central Bank president Mario Draghi has signaled that the ECB is ready to do more monetary easing measures to keep Europe's economy going.
ThinkstockWith this week’s FOMC meeting being highly watched, it seems that investors have almost no fears of a rate hike — nor any reason to be elated about a rate hike — perhaps until early...
So-called hedged ETFs take all or most of the currency risk out of the equation. They simply trade in dollars and track the raw underlying equity market indexes on which they are based.
If there is one thing that central bankers and politicians have proven over and over since the Great Recession, it is that they will do almost whatever they can get away with to steer the economy and...
It may not seem like much of a big deal to U.S. investors, but the Asian equities markets will have to trade without Japan leading off for the first three days of the week.