
ruger Articles

Gun sales in the United States hit new all-time highs in recent years. According to estimates from, Americans purchased 21 million firearms in 2020, and 19 million in 2021 – shattering...
The only country with more guns than people, the United States is the largest civilian firearm market in the world. And America’s gun industry is booming. According to a study from the University...
Rifles have long dominated the consumer firearm market in the United States. American gunmakers produced more rifles than any other firearm type in 20 of the 36 years of available government data....
The United States is the single largest civilian firearm market in the world. A recent Gallup poll found that 45% of Americans have a gun in their home. And many of those households have more than...
The United States is in an era of historic political polarization, and few issues have proved more divisive than gun control. But despite the discord, or perhaps because of it, America’s gun...
The design of the modern revolver was patented by Samuel Colt of Hartford, Connecticut, in 1836, and in the nearly 200 years since, the revolver established itself as an iconic American firearm....
Ask any American gun owner the firearm they learned to shoot with, and odds are it will have been a .22 caliber rifle or handgun. A low-cost ammunition with little to no recoil, .22 Long Rifle, or ....