
Russia Articles

OPEC is expected to announce that the cartel will slash an additional 500,000 barrels a day from production, lowering daily global crude oil supply by 1.7 million barrels a day.
The OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report for August was released today. It didn't make much noise when it landed.
Although demand from crude oil is expected to rise over the next several quarters, the size of the increase is shrinking. And OPEC is not going to be able to turn that situation around by reducing...
The OPEC ministers meeting in Vienna dutifully rubber-stamped an agreement made last week at the G-20 meeting in Osaka between Russia and Saudi Arabia.
The OPEC ministers semi-annual meeting begins Tuesday, but the outcome was announced last Saturday in Japan.
Oil has long been a key barometer for a real-time reading on the global economic picture. There may be a move to clean energy and renewables, but oil still dominates the energy world.
A bipartisan group of four U.S. Senators introduced legislation that would give the U.S. Department of Justice authority to sue members of the OPEC for antitrust violations. How good are its chances...
The price gyrations might not have been as extreme as in years past, but central banks were major gold buyers in 2018. Here are the 15 nations and government-related entities that dominate the global...
OPEC and its partners reportedly have agreed to cut 1.2 million barrels of daily oil production beginning in January and lasting through June 2019. Crude prices are soaring.
Saudi Arabia and Russia agreed last week to curb production next year, but details still need to be worked out. In Canada, the province of Alberta has mandated a production cut in an effort to push...
Ahead of next week's OPEC meeting in Vienna, Russian president Vladimir Putin and Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman are planning to meet on the sidelines of this week's G20 meeting to set a...
The U.S. crude oil inventory posted it 10th consecutive weekly rise last week and prices, which had drifted lower Wednesday morning, first dipped lower then steadied.
What might happen at the OPEC meeting next week could be decided this week at the G-20 meeting in Brazil.
The U.S. crude oil stockpile soared by more than 10 million barrels last week according to the latest official report. Inventories have now risen for eight consecutive weeks.
In its monthly Oil Market Report for October, OPEC lowered its demand forecast for both 2018 and 2019, adding strength to the cartel's contention that there's plenty of oil to meet demand.