short interest

short interest Articles

Breaking apart the short interest from a month to month basis can show some interesting insight into what industry insiders and some of the more aggressive "smart money" traders may be thinking.  Of...
Short sellers are betting against Qualcomm (QCOM). March short interest in the stock went up 10.7 million shares to 29.7 million. Qualcomm’s litany of problems would certainly be a reasonable...
Maybe it was Steve Ballmer’s comments about a slow start for Vista. Maybe is was the continuing poor performance of Microsoft’s (MSFT) search products. Or, the launch of word processing and...
Below is the short internest in major companies listed on Nasdaq. The figures are as of March 15, 2007 compared to February 25. Largest Short Positions Sirius                   124...
The shorts piled out of Home Deport (HD) in March, dropping short interest 36 million shares from a total of 72 million in February. The interest was cut in half. HD is actually down slightly this...
The short interest in GE rose 20 million shares to 46 million in March. Maybe some clever shorts think the stock, which has been slightly down, is due to fall on the slightest hint of bad news. Since...
The NYSE released short interest in its stocks for the period ending March 15, 2007. The figures are compared to February 15 short interest Largest Short Postions Ford                ...
The February short interest in Yahoo! (YHOO) dropped 4.2 million shares to 79.9 million. Over the last year, the company’s shares are down about 5%, but have been moving up since late December....
Below is the short interest is certain stocks listed on the Nasdaq as of February 15,2007. Comparisons in positions are made to those as of January 12, 2007. Largest Short Positions Sirius    ...
Yesterday I was checking some emails from my Palm Treo phone when I noticed an email that rung a sounding bell in my head.  This was an Associates Press article showing that margin debt in January...
The short interest in Hewlett-Packard fell 12 million shares in February. And, based on HP’s wonderful quarter, they should have been right to get out of the stock. But, Wall St. moved that stock...
In February, short sellers moved out of General Motors (GM) and into Ford (F). The short interest in GM dropped 9 million shares, but at Ford shares short jumped 15 million. Wall St. was smart. Since...
Below is the short interest for selected stocks traded on the NYSE as of February 15, 2007. Changes compare to the short interest on January 12. Largest Short Postions Ford                ...
Short seller bet that Microsoft’s (MSFT) shares would fall adding almost six million shares to their position in January pushing total shares sold short to 108.5 million. It may not have been a...
January short interest in Apple (AAPL) rose 1.2 million shares to 25.7 million. The short statistics were measured on January 12 just as Apple was rallying toward $97.10 on January 15. Recently the...