short interest

short interest Articles

Short interest in 3D printing stocks generally declined in the reporting period ended January 31. Shares prices fell as well.
Short interest in solar and alternative energy stocks was mixed in the reporting period ended January 31. But shares prices were uniformly lower before the market meltdown began.
Judging by the most shorted stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange between the January 12 and January 31 settlement dates, short sellers may not have seen the correction coming.
Judging by the most shorted stocks traded on the Nasdaq between the January 12 to January 31 settlement dates, short sellers may not have seen the correction coming.
After getting torched last week following a short seller report, fuel cell maker Ballard announced some good news this morning that has regained a good bit of last week's share price loss.
The January 12 short interest data have been compared with the previous figures, and short interest in most of these selected bank stocks increased.
Short interest in GE shot up 25% in the two-week period ended January 12. Short sellers added more than 28 million shares and it looks like the bet is going to pay off.
The January 12 short interest data have been compared with the previous figures, and short interest in these selected big oil stocks increased.
The January 12 short interest data have been compared with the previous report. Short interest increased in most of these selected semiconductor stocks.
The January 12 short interest data have been compared with the previous figures, and short interest in most of these selected pharmaceutical stocks increased.
The January 12 short interest data have been compared with the previous report, and short interest moves in the selected biotech stocks were mixed.
The January 12 short interest data have been compared with the previous report. Short interest in most of these selected social media stocks increased for this settlement date.
The January 12 short interest data have been compared with the previous figures, and short interest in these selected cybersecurity stocks increased.
Short interest in alternative and solar energy stocks was jumbled in the two-week period to January 12. Short interest rose on the solar stocks we follow and fell on the alt energy stocks.
Short interest mostly dropped in the 3D printing stocks as share prices posted big gains in the two-week period ended January 12.