short interest

short interest Articles

Short interest moves among solar and alternative energy stocks were mixed during the two-week reporting period that ended on October 31.
Ahead of the firing of Twitter COO Adam Bain and after dismal earnings, the short interest in the social media company soared.
Now that the U.S. presidential election is over and Hillary Clinton is out of the picture, major biotech companies can breathe a little easier knowing that the pressure is off, if for just now at...
Apple's shares are off 4.5% during the past month. Some investors worry that the new iPhone 7 will not sell well over the holidays.
After the election was decided this week with the Republican candidate taking the White House, short interest for these major oil stocks is now more important than ever to follow.
While the moves among the most shorted stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange were mostly mild in the final weeks of October, there were a few stand outs.
Shorts sellers seemed to grow wary as October wound down and the holiday shopping season and presidential election approached, at least judging by the most shorted stocks traded on the Nasdaq.
The October 14 short interest data have been compared with the previous figures, and short interest for most of the selected cybersecurity stocks increased.
The October 14 short interest data have been compared with the previous report. Short interest in these selected social media stocks was mixed for this settlement date.
Short interest during the two-week period ending October 14 fell on half of the four 3D printing stocks we follow.
Short interest moves among solar and alternative energy stocks were mixed during the two-week reporting period that ended on October 14.
The October 14 short interest data have been compared with the previous figures, and for the selected pharmaceutical stocks short interest was mixed.
Shares sold short in Twitter rose to more than 54 million in the period that ended October 14, which was a few days ahead of rumors that Twitter will lay off hundreds.
The October 14 short interest data have been compared with the previous figures, and short interest for the selected oil stocks was mixed.
Shares sold short in Apple rose more than a million in the most recent settlement period, a very modest increase as Apple's share price was mostly rising, and over a week before earnings.