silver prices

silver prices Articles

Today’s commodities watch offers some thoughts about the coming end of the Federal Reserve’s QE2 program and the effect that will have on commodity prices.  One could make a pretty good argument...
Today’s commodities watch looks at a government-ordered suspension of mining concessions in Peru and the continuing worries over grain prices as US corn planting remains behind schedule and Russia...
Today’s commodities watch focuses exclusively on silver, The Devil’s Metal. It appears that the gray metal may have hit a floor although the exact level of that floor is arguable. The price of...
Today’s commodities report takes a look at the recovery in silver, another comeback for coffee, and some concerns about agricultural exchange-traded products.  The price of silver is up about 4.5%...
Today’s commodities news is all about the effect of a stronger dollar on commodities prices. Cotton prices, which rose almost non-stop beginning in August 2010, could be moderating and giving a...
Today’s commodities news starts off with a drawdown on copper from bonded warehouses in Shanghai. There are also new doubts about the US corn crop, and we finish up with a brief take on silver,...
Today’s commodities news is not quite a repeat of yesterday’s because oil is staying essentially flat and yesterday’s commodities sell-off is not being repeated. Wheat prices, however are...
Today’s commodities watch looks at a silver miner’s and a food producer’s quarterly earnings. And a quick look at how copper is coming back today. Silver and gold miner Coeur d’Alene Mines...
Vale SA (NYSE: VALE), one of the world’s leading producers of iron ore posted record profit in the first quarter of $6.8 billion. Even discounting a one-time gain on the sale of $1.5 billion in...
The death of the silver trade is playing out even faster than the oil bubble popped in mid-2008.  Silver is truly living up to its name “The Devil’s Metal.”  The margin requirements have been...
The sell-off in shiny metals leads off today’s commodities news. We also note new data that shows the US is a net exporter of oil for the first time in 20 years and some hope that coffee prices...
There is a common belief of the skeptics that the market is designed to cause the most financial pain possible, and the moves in cult stocks can be more painful than most investors can withstand. ...
Today’s commodities news starts off with new highs for aluminum, and still falling silver prices, low numbers on corn plantings, and lowering of the outlook for cotton. As prices for some...
Today’s commodities news reflects on the sharp drop in silver, continuing softness in cotton prices, and another fall in grain prices. The fall in silver prices immediately following the...
One factor driving the price of silver through the roof is its use in industrial products. About half the world’s demand for silver comes from industries such as solar PV makers like Suntech Power...