
slang Articles

Every decade has words or phrases that set it apart from previous or future eras, and the 1960s were no exception. We may not say “groovy,” refer to the police as “the fuzz” or “the...
Every generation has words or phrases that distinguish it from previous generations, and Baby Boomers are no different. The Michael Myers Austin Powers movies that were a send-up of ‘60s-era spy...
Like extra sweet iced tea and fried green tomatoes, certain things just scream “the South.” The culture, cuisine, etiquette, and language below the Mason-Dixon Line have their own distinctive...
Every generation has words or phrases that distinguish it from previous generations, and Baby Boomers are no different. The Michael Myers Austin Powers movies that were a send-up of ‘60s-era spy...
“England and America are two countries separated by the same language,” George Bernard Shaw once said (perhaps). There’s no denying that our two nations use certain identical words in very...