Social Security

Social Security Articles

Social Security is a financial right that protects Americans throughout their lives. According to The United States Social Security Administration (SSA), ”We administer retirement, disability,...
Social Security is the largest U.S. government program, costing about $1.24 trillion a year, but it’s by no means a handout! Funded by payroll deductions, your Social Security benefits are the...
While in recent times retirement has been painted in rosy colors, with people doing yoga, playing golf, traveling … and running for president, it is also a stage in life where we can find ourselves...
It’s the home stretch to retirement for members of Gen X—people born between 1965 and 1980. The oldest members of this generation are 59 years old. It’s shocking to contemplate, but...
With the hope that everyone can retire one day, your total retirement income will dictate what you can spend monthly during your retirement years. To find the sum of all your income you expect to use...
You spend your entire life working toward retirement, but what does that mean? Retirement isn’t a magic word for a savings account that appears once you hit the right age. It’s an action...
When you think about the dollar amount needed to retire, it’s more than just a social security check. There is very little you can do about social security as it’s solely based on your lifetime...
When getting ready for retirement, there are several factors everyone needs to consider. Among these factors will be the size of your nest egg. This number will help you determine not only when you...
Millions of low-income Americans who rely on Social Security income are in line for relief later this year. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has updated a legacy rule around Supplemental...
For financial success, planning your monthly budget is vital. Part of planning is understanding when and how much you’ll get paid. Those receiving Social Security will typically receive their...
Your current income significantly impacts the amount of your Social Security benefit. While earning $25,000 this year will contribute significantly to your retirement benefits, the actual amount...
For many Americans, Social Security is a cornerstone of their retirement. It’s designed to provide a steady stream for retirees. In fact, it is the largest source of income for most of those...
Social Security is a cornerstone of retirement income in the United States. While it’s not designed to completely fuel retirement, many people rely on it heavily in their golden years. The...
Over 40% of Americans rely solely on Social Security for their retirement, despite that being exactly what you’re not supposed to do! That’s a significant chunk of the population...
A recent explainer by the Social Security Administration revealed a fascinating trend: the average filing age for Social Security benefits has been steadily climbing. However, many retirees still...