Social Security

Social Security Articles

A recent survey of financial advisors highlights client worries about the future of Social Security.
Social Security's expected payouts will exceed its income next year. That would mark the first such year its income and expenses have been inverted since 1982.
The release Monday of the annual report on the status of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds indicates that we're coming closer to the end of full benefit payments.
The Congressional Budget Office Tuesday projected that U.S. debt repayment will equal Social Security spending by 2048.
ZTE may have set a deal with the U.S. government, China offers to buy more U.S. goods and services, stock buybacks top $200 billion in May, and other important headlines.
Millions of Social Security recipients and retirees will receive a 2% increase in benefits next year, the largest gain since 2012.
Two recent reports have looked in depth at the workings of the Social Security Administration (SSA). Both have found — unsurprisingly — that SSA has some problems, and these problems directly...
The U.S. Census Bureau expects the country to have 98 million residents ages 65 and older by 2060.
 Most people are called the name they were given at birth for their entire lives, and for that reason, the name of a child is often given intense consideration. Like most aspects of child-rearing,...
ThinkstockBy far the single most common contributing program to a retiree’s household income is Social Security. And the lower a person’s retirement income, the bigger role Social Security plays....
New research from MIT indicates that nearly half of Americans die with essentially no financial assets. About 46% of U.S. senior citizens hold less than $10,000 in assets at the time of their deaths...
More and more Americans expect to rely on Social Security as they move into retirement. Based on government numbers, the agency will have trouble supporting them. Due to a need for Congress to show...
The Pew Center on the States released new research that says “The gap between the promises states have made for public employees’ retirement benefits and the money they have set aside grew to at...
The Republicans released their proposed financial plan and it aims to balance America’s budget by 2015. Called “The Path To Prosperity: Restoring America’s Promise”, its success is based as...
Americans continue to protest cuts in Social Security as a  means to bring down the national deficit. It appears that some expect payments to be lower. A new Gallup polls shows that retired people...