S&P Articles

Although Monday was an incredibly positive day for the markets, Tuesday was more or less a complete reversal. Practically every sector in the S&P 500 was down with the single exception of health...
Monday was an incredibly positive day for the markets with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in the session and the Nasdaq having one of its best trading days this year. Although not all...
Thursday was a down day for the U.S. broad markets with all the major indices posting a loss on the day. FANG stocks seemed to lead the charge down with Facebook, Alphabet, Amazon, and Apple all...
Tuesday was a very strong day for the U.S. broad markets canceling out what was a sluggish Monday. There were green arrows practically everywhere with only a few exceptions, notably in telecom...
Monday was a down day for the markets across the board, with the Nasdaq getting hit especially hard. Losses from Facebook, Apple, Alphabet, and Amazon brought this index way down. Perhaps the only...
Thursday was another flat day for the broad markets with the exception of the Nasdaq which closed at a record high. As for the S&P 500, the only strong sector in Thursday’s session was...
The broad markets posted some slight gains on Wednesday, but they were fairly muted due to Crude oil prices absolutely plunging. Crude oil dropped to its lowest level since last August, and Oil &...
Overall Tuesday was again a relatively flat day for the broad markets. Crude oil made an incredible recovery over the course of the day to currently be positive over 1%, oil & gas stocks...
Overall Monday was a relatively flat day for the broad markets. Despite crude oil sliding lower on the day, Oil & Gas stocks were relatively mixed, with the likes of Exxon actually posting a...
The broad markets made up for earlier this week and ended up closing fairly positive on Thursday. The financial and healthcare sectors each made a solid push higher on the day. All of the other...
In Wednesday’s session the markets were largely negative with major money center banks leading the charge down, other investment houses were negative as well. Although crude oil pushed much lower,...
The broad markets were relatively flat in Tuesday’s session but there were some positives on the day. The Tech sector was largely positive with a fair amount of the chip-makers adding to the tech...
The U.S. broad markets were posted another record day with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq hitting all-time highs in the day with the Dow in close pursuit. After breaking back above the $50 mark, crude...
S&P Dow Jones Indices has announced a few changes to its constituents as it shuffles the cards for the S&P 500.
The U.S. broad markets were fairly positive on Wednesday quietly hitting new highs and breaking above the 2,400 (S&P 500) and 21,000 (Dow) levels. There was some weakness in crude oil which led...