
Space Articles

Many people have heard of the Keck Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope, but few realize just how many powerful telescopes we have in the world, and in space. Because the objects they study are...
Two of the last frontiers for exploration are space and the oceans. It seems remarkable that space is far more advanced than the latter, but the crushing depths of the ocean present far greater...
The Voyager I spacecraft was in the news once again in June as NASA was able to restore transmissions from all four of its temporarily disabled instruments. Launched way back in 1977, the unmanned...
Most Americans don’t think of the United States as a colonizing country. After all, we fought a revolution to overturn the colonial system, right? Well, as it turns out Americans didn’t...
There are tons of science fiction movies out there. So many, in fact, that it may be a little intimidating for the uninitiated. It’s tough to just fire up Netflix and dive in when you’re unsure...
Virgin Galactic has launched six flights to space so far this year, doubling its quarterly revenue. The company sees better days ahead.
In March, the International Space Station had to perform two maneuvers in the span of a week in order to avoid collisions with debris that is orbiting around Earth. There are half a million pieces of...
The Soviet Union launched the first satellite, Sputnik, in 1957. Throughout the 1960s and during the Cold War, space was a testing ground for government-funded satellites sent by the Soviets and the...