
terrorism Articles

Planning summer overseas travel? The U.S. State Department warns all Americans to exercise precautions and be alert to the possibility of crime or violence directed toward foreigners. But there are...
The world has always been a dangerous place, but we have never been more cognizant of it than we are today. The 24/7 news cycle ensures we are always aware of the dangers posed in different places...
An American passport will open doors to some 188 countries for you, but just because you can go somewhere doesn’t mean you should. In 2024 the U.S. State Department is advising Americans to...
The United States and its allies began what is officially known as the Global War on Terrorism in October 2001 when they attacked Afghanistan in the wake of the terror attacks in the U.S. Two years...
The destruction of cultural artifacts, heritage sites, and historical records such as temples, statues, museums, and libraries is among the many immeasurable tragedies of war.  While cultural sites...