U.S. Energy Information Administration

U.S. Energy Information Administration Articles

U.S. markets are trading lower for a second straight day. No upside catalyst has appeared, and traders may begin to be wondering if one will ever show up.
The futures are flat on this Thanksgiving eve as trading volume will slow to a trickle with the holiday tomorrow and an early 1 pm EST close for Friday. The major indices all ended Tuesday higher...
U.S. crude oil production and crude oil inventories both rose last week. Gasoline inventories are falling, however, and pump prices continue rising.
Energy generated from renewable sources passed coal-fired power consumption in the first quarter of this year.
Crude oil prices have dropped to near two-decade lows as the Saudis affirm their production increase and the coronavirus slices into demand.
The Saudi-Russian oil price war and potentially increased availability of supply from Saudi Arabia delivered enough of a knockout blow on Monday that the U.S. government figured out it better stop...
Analysts at IHS Markit expect U.S. shale oil production growth to decline by half next year. How investors (who are demanding a bigger share of profits) respond is the big question.
The U.S. commercial crude oil inventory rose by nearly 8 million barrels last week and oil prices are sliding as a result.
The U.S. stockpile of crude oil rose by nearly 6 million barrels last week while stocks of gasoline and diesel fuel declined. The price of crude has slipped by less than 1% following the report from...
The U.S. crude oil inventory dropped last week as did stockpiles of gasoline and diesel fuel. But the decline is having only a moderate effect on the crude oil market.
The U.S. crude oil stockpile rose by more than 9 million barrels last week but the impact of the huge increase was partially offset by large declines in gasoline and distillate inventories.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration has projected that almost half of global electricity generation by 2050 will be fueled by renewable sources.
The U.S. stockpile of crude oil rose by 1.1 million barrels last week, the first gain in five weeks. Hopes for a quick recovery in Saudi Arabian production also have been raised.
The OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report for August was released today. It didn't make much noise when it landed.
Americans use an extraordinary amount of gasoline per day, which means even a small price change can cost consumers hundreds of millions of dollars a year.