U.S. Energy Information Administration

U.S. Energy Information Administration Articles

The U.S. natural gas stockpile rose by slightly more than expected last week. Combined with a forecast for moderating temperatures that should reduce demand for natural gas, prices fell after the...
Crude oil production from seven major U.S. shale plays is expected to rise by 93,000 barrels month over month in August and another 90,000 barrels a day in September.
Last week's increase to U.S. natural gas stockpiles was slightly above expectations. Commodity prices rose nearly 20 cents per thousand cubic feet over the past week, but slipped a penny following...
The U.S. commercial stockpile of crude oil fell less than expected last week while gasoline and diesel fuel inventories increased. Overall, U.S. petroleum stockpiles are higher than in the previous...
The U.S. stockpile of natural gas rose by less than expected last week and put a bit of support under the price which still wallows well below $3 per million BTUs.
The U.S. commercial inventory of crude oil rose sharply last week, defying analysts estimates for a decline. Crude prices have dipped below $68 a barrel again.
The U.S. natural gas stockpile added 24 billion cubic feet last week, well short of estimates. The Energy Information Agency is predicting that this year's injection season will come up about 10%...
The U.S. crude oil stockpile fell by more than 6 million barrels last week, more than double the expected drop. Gasoline inventories also posted a much larger-than-expected drop.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration reported an addition of 46 billion cubic feet to the nation's natural gas storage inventory last week, considerably less than expected. Prices moved higher...
The U.S. crude oil inventory added nearly 6 million barrels last week compared with consensus estimates for a decline of more than 3 million barrels. Gasoline inventories fell more than expected,...
The amount of U.S. natural gas in storage rose less than expected last week and is now about 25% lower than it was at the same time last year. Prices did not react much to the news.
The U.S. commercial crude inventory fell by more than 12 million barrels last week but the decline was more than offset as inventories of other petroleum products rose.
The U.S. natural gas inventory increased by 78 billion cubic feet last week according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The inventory total remains lower than both last year's level and...
The U.S. commercial crude oil inventory rose by an unexpected 1.2 million barrels last week sending Thursday's crude price into a skid.
Total miles driven on U.S roads and streets last year posted the smallest growth in four years. As gas prices rise, Americans drive less and that helps balance the market and lower prices. It also...