U.S. Energy Information Administration

U.S. Energy Information Administration Articles

The U.S. natural gas stockpile rose slightly less than expected last week, but coming hot weather along with concurrent demand for air conditioning could push prices higher for the holiday week ahead.
U.S. crude oil stockpiles fell by nearly 10 million barrels last week, significantly more than analysts' projected, and the price of crude jumped to more than $72 a barrel.
The amount of natural gas in U.S. storage rose more than expected last week but remains 27% lower than last year's total for the same period and 20% lower than the five-year average.
U.S. crude oil inventories fell more than expected but production of gasoline and distillates more than offset the drop. Exports of both crude and refined products rose sharply in the week as well.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration forecast that July production for seven major shale oil plays will rise by 141,000 barrels compared to June Production and more than 1.7 million barrels...
U.S. natural gas stockpiles rose slightly more than expected last week and the larger injections sent wellhead prices down a few cents per million BTUs. Demand is not expected to rise beyond the...
U.S. petroleum inventories unexpectedly fell last week according to the lates Energy Information Administration report. Prices rose somewhat but have pulled back to just 10 cents above last night's...
U.S. natural gas stockpiles rose in line with projections last week and wellhead prices held on to a solid gain already posted in Thursday trading.
The U.S. crude oil inventory rose last week by an unexpectedly large 2.2 million barrels. Gasoline and distillate inventories also posted larger-than-forecast increases. Crude oil prices slipped...
A larger-than-expected decrease to U.S. crude oil stockpiles moderated the drop in crude prices following Thursday's report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
The U.S. natural gas inventory rose by 96 billion cubic feet last week, slightly less than expected. Gas prices are up about 3.2% on the day as demand is expected to rise as the weather warms up.
The U.S. crude oil stockpile unexpectedly jumped by nearly 6 million barrels last week. That has put downward pressure on prices.
U.S. natural gas in storage increased by more than 100 billion cubic feet last week. Prices were little changed following the report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
The EIA reports that U.S. crude oil inventories fell by 1.4 million barrels last week and gasoline stockpiles fell by 3.8 million barrels. But production and exports continue rising, offsetting the...
The U.S. Energy Information Administration released its Drilling Productivity report today showing an estimated production growth of 144,000 barrels of oil a day from the 7 major onshore shale oil...