
unemployment Articles

Not everyone agrees that a recession is imminent, nor that the next recession will be much more than what economists call a "garden variety" recession.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the black unemployment rate was nearly 50% above the national average in August. Why is that so?
After seeing the tally of weekly jobless claims and a stronger than expected private sector payrolls gain for August from ADP, the stage was set for a stronger than expected gain in nonfarm payrolls...
The first week of every month brings a new round of employment and payrolls data regarding the U.S. economy.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics probably has at least some good insight into the jobs market. That said, it has to be a hard guess in making a forecast for the next decade.
Just because the entire country has low unemployment, high consumer confidence and rising gross domestic product does not mean certain states are not already suffering downturns in their economies.
After finishing college, most graduates strike out on their own, looking for a job where they can apply their recently-earned degree. With a very low U.S. unemployment rate and a record-setting...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently announced the preliminary estimate of the upcoming annual benchmark revision to the establishment survey employment series. Accordingly the U.S. economy...
One small state had the lowest unemployment rate in the nation last month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
After last week’s unemployment and payrolls report for July, the U.S. Department of Labor has released its monthly Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. The report is for June, as it comes with a...
The largest gulf between any two major groups in the July jobless report was that between black and white Americans.
The U.S. economy added 164,000 jobs in July, and the headline unemployment rate remained unchanged at 3.7%.
The pace of job cut announcements slowed in July according to the latest report from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas. But the year-to-date job cuts are up 36%.
Each month’s ADP employment report gets to act as a preview and bias-setting event for the U.S. Department of Labor’s report on payrolls and national unemployment. The numbers are never expected...
It's still too soon to call the U.S. Department of Labor's unemployment situation report due this Friday, but the Paychex and IHS Markit report called the Small Business Employment Watch showed a...