
unemployment Articles

Friday's unemployment and payrolls report from the U.S. Department of Labor is always important, but fit may have an even higher importance for the markets than previous reports.
On company accounted for more than half of 75,000 job cuts announced in October according to the latest report from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Philip Morris expands its smokeless cigarette business, Walmart to be more aggressive with shipping options for the holiday season, and other important business headlines.
As the holiday season rolls around, companies have to ramp up their hiring to deal with the increased demand that they will inevitably see this time of the year. This year is no different.
We have yet one more reading showing just how strong the current job market is job openings in America on the last day of August were at an all-time high.
Among the things largely lost in the new jobs report, the Employment Situation Summary for September, is that the unemployment rate for black Americans was 6%.
Just reading the headlines on the unemployment report is ill-advised. It was a positive report, but there are some downstream issues that simply should not be ignored.
Wells Fargo's announced plan to fire up to 10% of its employees over the next 3 years pushed the Challenger, Gray & Christmas monthly job-cuts report to its second highest level of 2018.
How crazy it must sound to hear that there are just too many job openings in this strong economy.
August nonfarm payroll growth came in better than expected while the unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.9%. Wages increased as well, but June and July job growth was cut by a combined total of...
Outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported Thursday that announced August job cuts were 42% higher than the same month last year. Manufacturing jobs were especially hard-hit during...
No one is getting fired anymore. The U.S. Department of Labor released its reading on weekly jobless claims, which fell by 2,000 to a mere 210,000. This number used to run closer to and even above...
The national unemployment rate is 3.9%, but there is a wide range in the levels across the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Almost all the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics July Employment Situation was good. Not all groups did equally well.
It's usually hard to comprehend that sometimes the "less is more" argument can be true. That paradox may be the case for the Labor Department's employment report on Friday.