
unemployment Articles

After each month's payrolls and unemployment report from the Labor Department, economists and investors get a closer look at the internal metrics of the jobs markets by getting a view of the job...
The number of layoffs rose last month from the same period in 2016, with retailers slashing the most jobs of any sector, according to a report Friday from Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Despite the Federal Reserve keeping its target fed funds rate on hold at a target range of 0.75% to 1.00%, all eyes are waiting for Friday’s key employment report from the Labor Department. Janet...
The U.S. growth engine is still moving. Unfortunately, that growth and enthusiasm and strength has started to dial down in recent weeks.
The national unemployment rate for March was 4.5%. In five states is it much lower. That shows how much the jobless situation can differ from place to place.
The latest employment situation report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics simultaneously may be blamed on weather and may question some of the new pro-growth expansion's real effectiveness.
After a strong payrolls report in February, ADP has forecast that the United States added more private sector payrolls in March than expected.
Maybe all that post-election economic hope and all the day in and day out record highs on the Dow Jones Industrial Average and in the S&P 500 Index had some meat to it after all.
This Friday's unemployment report is also one of the freshest economic views before Federal Reserve decides whether to raise interest rates at the March FOMC meeting.
The turnaround of the fortunes of Detroit has failed to benefit the almost 100,000 who are out of work, a fact rarely, if ever, mentioned in the stories about the Motor City's resurrection.
With President Trump's pledge to bring more jobs back to America and to rekindle the middle class, 24/7 Wall St. wanted to see what has been taking place so far in 2017.
After ADP posted a shockingly higher than expected payrolls figure for January, the solid jobs news was more than confirmed by the U.S. Department of Labor in its key employment situation report.
If economists and investors were looking for confirmation that the post-election rally was going to turn into real growth in economic readings, look no further than the January ADP Employment Report.
Los Angeles, with 1.7 million Mexican immigrants, which is more than 13% of its total population, faces major changes if the Trump administration implements some of its plans.
he Labor Department said that 2016 added more than 2 million jobs for the sixth straight year. The more import reading was that workers earned more.