
unemployment Articles

The U.S. Department of Labor has released its jobless claims report for the week ending August 1. Initial jobless claims fell to less than 1.2 million last week.
The ADP National Employment Report was a serious miss as private sector employment increased much less than expected.
Economists look closely ahead of each monthly unemployment and payrolls report at hiring trends in the private sector and in small businesses.
While weekly jobless claims have been coming down from the peak March 28 report of nearly 6.9 million claims, the week of July 18 was the first actual gain in weekly jobless claims since that peak.
Anyone who has walked by or driven past strip malls knows that many of the businesses there are closed down during the COVID-19 pandemic. What may not be as obvious is just how many of those...
The overall trends were better in enough categories that the July data may not be as soft as it might seem today.
The equity markets will start to fall as parts of the economy shut down again and it becomes clear that as many as 15 million lost jobs cannot be replaced.
One of America's richest states had the highest unemployment rate in June, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
One of America's poorest states had the lowest unemployment rate in June, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Unfortunately, the strong jobs report for June is now old enough that it may no longer be relevant, considering the COVID-19 case spike seen since the so-called reference week.
ADP's National Employment Report shows that the private sector added more than 2 million jobs in June, due in large part to small business hiring.
The monthly job losses report from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas shows a big improvement month over month. However, quarterly and year-to-date totals set new records.
Aircraft maker Airbus is expected to announce that it will fire more than 14,000 workers as the company struggles to overcome the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on demand for air travel and new...
Weekly jobless claims continued to pile up for the week ending June 20, again hitting over 1 million for the week.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics says that Nebraska's unemployment rate was the lowest in the country last month.