
Words Articles

Every decade has words or phrases that set it apart from previous or future eras, and the 1960s were no exception. We may not say “groovy,” refer to the police as “the fuzz” or “the...
Every word represents a decision about how certain letters combine to refer to an activity, object, subject, or feeling. As people keep inventing new things, more words and phrases are created to...
The English language contains over 200,000 words, drawing from Germanic, Latin, Greek, and over 350 other language roots. New words get added to English every year. (For instance, here are 30 words...
For a dead language, Latin still has plenty of life in it. A dead language is one that’s no longer used as a native tongue. Though there are many more examples around the world, the most famous...
The English language is always evolving as words come into and go out of common usage. Some old words fade away for unclear reasons, while others become obsolete due to advances in technology. 24/7...
There are about 470,000 words in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary combined, though it’s estimated that only about 170,000 are used frequently....
“England and America are two countries separated by the same language,” George Bernard Shaw once said (perhaps). There’s no denying that our two nations use certain identical words in very...
What better way to spend this time with friends than to test each other’s knowledge with fun trivia questions? As one of the most beloved games in American television history, “Jeopardy!”...