world bank

world bank Articles

Life expectancy at birth has climbed sharply in recent decades. Due in large part to improved living standards and advances in medicine, average life expectancy rose globally from 51 in 1960 to 71 in...
Rising living standards and advances in medicine have resulted in meaningful improvements in life expectancy in recent decades. According to the World Bank, average life expectancy at birth is 71.3...
The global population has aged considerably in recent decades. Between 1960 and 2022, the share of people 65 and older worldwide doubled from 5% to 10%, according to the World Bank. While the...
The global population has been on a steady, upward trajectory for decades. According to the latest data from the World Bank, the number of people on the planet has doubled since the mid-1970s. As of...
Land on Earth is an inherently finite resource — but demand for it is always increasing. There are 50.1 million square miles of land area worldwide, and only some of it is habitable. Meanwhile,...
There are an estimated 50.1 million miles of land area globally, and not all of it is inhabitable. While land is an inherently limited resource, demand for it is only growing. The number of people...
Global population growth has slowed to historic lows in recent years. The number of people on Earth expanded by just 0.8% in 2022, the smallest increase since at least 1960, the earliest year of...
Since the mid-twentieth century, the global fertility rate has fallen by over 50%. In many countries — including Italy, Japan, Spain, and the United States — birth rates have decreased so much...
Demographic trends often have far-reaching economic and social consequences. Birth rates are no exception, and in much of the world, they have been falling for decades. As recently as in the...
Among wealthy, highly-developed countries, the United States is an outlier when it comes to gun violence. According to the Small Arms Survey, an international organization based in Geneva,...
Indeed, though the United States has the world’s largest economy, it is not considered the world’s richest — at least not by some economic measures. So while the U.S.’s gross domestic...
For much of his first term in office, President Joe Biden has not fared well in public opinion surveys. During his first three years as president, Biden had an average job approval rating of just 43%...
Gun violence is among the most pressing and enduring problems facing the United States. According to the nonprofit group Gun Violence Archive, there have been nearly twice as many mass shootings as...