world war II

world war II Articles

Gen. George S. Patton Jr. observed that, “By perseverance, study and eternal desire, any man can become great.” Patton was among a few leaders throughout World War II that embodied these...
Famed German general Erwin Rommel, nicknamed “the Desert Fox,” is considered one of the greatest tank commanders to ever live thanks to his campaigns in North Africa in World War II. Rommel...
Whether it be daring risk-taking, plans with little chance of success, creative thinking, or unique problem-solving, militaries throughout history have found ways to beat the odds and out-think their...
Using pigeons to carry important messages, especially during wartime, has been around for thousands of years. There is evidence that the Ancient Egyptians used pigeons to carry messages as far back...
The Battle of the Bulge is considered a major turning point in World War II as it was the last major offensive that Germany launched on Western Europe. Allied tanks and artillery clashed with German...