
Wyoming Articles

The United States federalist system divides and shares powers between the federal government, each of the 50 states, and tens of thousands of county and municipal authorities. As may be expected...
Happiness is not an easy concept to measure. It is influenced by different factors that vary from person to person. It may frequently change, depending on an endless set of dynamic circumstances,...
By several economic indicators, the United States is in a historic era of prosperity. The unemployment rate recently hit 3.3%, its lowest point since the 1960s; the Dow Jones Industrial Average...
A home is the largest purchase most Americans make in their lifetimes. The typical American home now costs over $200,000 — significantly more money than most people have on hand. This disparity...
As a nation, the United States is becoming better prepared for possible disasters, disease outbreaks, and other emergencies, according to a recently published preparedness study. The National Health...
To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, taxes are one of only two certainties in the world. Americans know this all too well. Taxpayers in the United States pay over $11,000 a year on average in federal,...
When considering such economic indicators as unemployment and GDP growth, the United States appears to be in a period of near unprecedented prosperity. Yet these figures do not tell the whole story...
The United States is the world’s second largest greenhouse gas emitter. The country announced in 2017 its plans to back out of the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to fight global warming and...
The U.S. economy added 263,000 jobs in April, pushing the monthly unemployment rate down to 3.6% — the lowest level since 1969. The historic low is the result of 103 consecutive months of job...
Spring storms that emerged with the receding of winter brought heavy rains across much of the United States. Now, Americans are looking forward to summer — which in some regions is a dry season. No...
What’s more American than a group of friends taking up instruments in a garage and starting a band with dreams of making it big? All across the country music bands have formed — and every state...
Some people know of tornadoes only through movies and news reports. But for people in Tornado Alley and Dixie Alley, tornadoes are a common occurrence during certain parts of the year. In states like...
Walmart is by far the largest employers in the United States, employing about 1.5 million Americans. Other companies, however, are beginning to close in on Walmart’s headcount. Amazon, thanks to...
The U.S. dollar is one of the strongest currencies in the world, meaning its purchasing power is much greater than the currencies of nearly all other independent nations. Yet the purchasing power of...
The United States is one of the most affluent nations on earth. Our agricultural resources are substantial, with over 1 billion acres of actively-used farm land. And yet an estimated one in eight...