
Behavior Articles

Throughout history, women have had to endure childbirth and take care of the home and children while also working outside the home. It is women’s roles that have ensured societal stability and the...
Most people have some history with calorie counting. Some do it to lose extra pounds, others track them to gain weight. Calories — depending on whether they come from carbs, fat, or protein — are...
Diet sodas are not the lesser evil; they are just as evil as regular soda, and some argue they are actually worse. Linking low- or zero-calorie soft drinks to specific illnesses is tricky, and...
Barring factors outside of our control, the key to living a long life is simple — at first glance. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, exercise regularly, don’t smoke, and get between six and eight...
There is no magic formula for looking younger than you really are, but adopting healthy habits, including sleeping well, eating a healthy diet, and exercising more, can help. But looking younger is...
Most people love being out in the sun. It provides warmth and a chance to avoid wearing 20 layers of clothes outside. But sunshine offers more than just warmth and mental well-being — it offers a...
Many people work hard for months to get a summer body. Then summer comes and all of that healthy eating and exercising several times a week is replaced by beach parties, picnics, and backyard...
As hazardous smoke from uncontrolled Canadian wildfires drifts south, Americans in affected areas, which is much of the U.S., are advised to stay inside as much as possible. With experts predicting...
: A balanced diet is the foundation for weight loss that sticks—detoxes, restrictive diets, starving and other fad diets can actually create a rebound effect that will cause weight gain. Cardio is...
Summer is a time to go on vacation, enjoy the outdoors, and have fun at open air concerts. So taking care of one’s health may not be on the list of priorities — but it should. While your top...
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., with millions of cases diagnosed each year. It’s also one of the most highly treatable when found early and one of the most preventable cancers. ...
Every year, the news seems to be the same – the year was the hottest on record. July 3, 2023 was declared the hottest day on Earth ever recorded, with an average global temperature that reached...
You’ve probably heard it before — sitting is the new smoking. But while smoking rates are declining, sedentary behaviors are only increasing. The average adult person spends more than half of his...
For decades, many Americans have been obsessed with the idea of getting the perfect body. Each year, people strive to make themselves look like models and actors, or just to get in better shape....