
Outcomes Articles

Taking care of your physical health is beyond crucial if you want to live a long life. People who don’t do it allow different diseases to spread throughout their bodies without intervention. If...
Hospital admissions for COVID-19 surged and test positivity remained virtually unchanged for the latest reporting period. As winter draws near, there is a greater possibility that other viruses and...
After a week when hospital admissions and test-positivity rates for COVID-19 leveled off, the seven-day moving average for both categories resumed their declines for the most recent reporting...
Here’s sobering news for those who smoke a lot of marijuana: Two preliminary studies being presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023, being held Nov. 11-13 in...
Life expectancy at birth in the United States is now 76.1 years, the lowest it has been since 1996 – a decline due largely to COVID-19 and to the rise in drug overdoses. (These are 30 famous people...
Only two of the states with the nation’s highest hospitalization admissions from COVID-19 were the same from the previous week as the latest surge flattened out this week.To determine the states...
The holiday season is hurtling toward us, with Thanksgiving less than a month away, and the start of family gatherings. These get-togethers pose concerns as super-spreader events with the threat of...