
Places Articles

The dictionary defines “strategy” as “a plan of action designed to achieve a major goal.” In military terms, of course, the goal is almost always victory over the enemy, or at least...
For many generations of Americans, buying a home was a goal. It was a commitment to stability, a sign that you were a grown-up, a symbol of success. To many, over the decades, being able to own the...
While some look at the growth of Texas and say “flee the state” before the masses move in, businesses are doing the opposite. In recent years massive corporations from Tesla to Oracle have moved...
Before the United States became independent, wars plagued North America, as the British, French, and Spaniards fought for control of the early colonies, with Native Americans sometimes fighting...
Last year, everybody was talking (and TikTok-ing) about “The Great Resignation” — the hitherto unimaginable rate at which people were telling their employers to take this job...
Halloween is increasingly celebrated all around the world, but nobody does it quite like the U.S.A. It’s our third most popular holiday after Christmas and Thanksgiving. We’ve got events,...
The Civil War was the bloodiest conflict in American history. An estimated 620,000 men – including an unknown number of women – fighting for the Union and the Confederacy were killed, about 2% of...
The Halloween traditions we’re all familiar with — including jack-o’-lanterns and dressing in costumes (to confuse wandering spirits) — came to America with Irish immigrants in the 19th...