
Television Articles

The number of movies that have been adapted for television are legion – think “Fargo,” “Highlander,” “Bates Motel,” and maybe most of all “Star Wars.” The reverse has also been...
The police procedural and legal drama “Law & Order” premiered in 1990, launching an entire franchise of crime dramas. Created by Diсk Wolf, the series evolved into one of the most enduring...
“The Big Bang Theory” ran for 12 seasons on CBS, starting in 2007 as just another major network comedy and rising to become one of the most popular sitcoms in television history. The show...
While women are still vastly underrepresented in positions of power in the entertainment industry – and even blue-chip stars with international reputations and shelves full of Oscars and other...
It has been nearly 18 years since the last episode of “Friends” aired on NBC and the Emmy-winning sitcom is still wildly popular. During the decade the show aired it launched many hairstyles and...
Americans love pets and movies, so what could be better than movies with pets? There have been a lot of them and 24/7 Tempo has identified the most iconic ones by reviewing some of the most popular...
They say you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, and that certainly applies to television pilots. It’s hard enough for the creators of a show to convince media moguls that their...
With a war raging in Ukraine and political upheavals at home, we tune in nightly to get the latest on what’s happening in our world. Giving us sometimes awful news are TV broadcasters we’ve grown...
American audiences love good game shows. In addition to being entertaining, they are also engaging, offering a healthy challenge and a dose of inspiration. Viewers can play along at home or root for...
Ever since Jackie Gleason’s Joe the Bartender character struck up a conversation with the unseen customer Mr. Dennehy on “The Jackie Gleason Show” in the 1950s, bars have been an essential...
Animated TV shows became popular in the 1950s with “Felix the Cat” and “Crusader Rabbit.” The genre grew through the 1960s with Disney productions and the rise of major animation producer...
Good news, everyone! After a nearly-decade long hiatus in the acclaimed comedy series by creators Matt Groening and David X. Cohen, Futurama is set to return to the small screen. Having faced three...
While women are still vastly underrepresented in positions of power in the entertainment industry – and even blue-chip stars with international reputations and shelves full of Oscars and other...
“Antihero”-“-a protagonist or notable figure who is conspicuously lacking in heroic qualities.”–Merriam Webster. The hero has been part of storytelling since the Greeks, if not longer....
Everybody loves a hero, but we seem to have a healthy appetite for antiheroes, too. Some of the most popular TV shows ever have been about characters who weren’t just flawed but were downright bad....