
Things Articles

Despite the rise of cyber attacks involving things like phishing, denial of service, and malware, people often still create passwords that are easy to crack (simple numerical sequences, for instance,...
Many people around the world consider themselves superstitious, and far more will act superstitiously if the chance presents itself. Superstition is defined as a belief or practice resulting from...
Words sometimes have two meanings, as Led Zeppelin sang in “Stairway to Heaven.” And indeed they often do. Especially, words can acquire new meanings and lose old ones. For example,...
Retail sales experts think Americans will boost holiday spending to record levels this year. In October, the National Retail Federation forecast retail sales in November and December will increase...
Back in the 1990s, most people wouldn’t have believed that soon, everyone from elementary school children to grandparents would be walking around with a hand-held device that serves as a computer,...
Experts in yachts divide the largest ones into two categories. Ships in the larger category, the superyachts, are at least 70 feet long. The very richest people in the world seem to compete with one...
In the summer of 1976, a ground fire burned through a vegetated area on the island of Guernsey, revealing a granite slab protruding from a high mound of earth. The ensuing excavation revealed an...
Bridges, used since Neolithic times, are pragmatic structures that are often purely utilitarian — stone, concrete, or steel and brutal — the cheapest way to allow passage over a chasm or body of...
The English language is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of its users. While new words are created and some old words acquire new meanings, others just fade from use. Of these words we...
When we listen to songs extolling America, these marches, anthems, and tunes about the United States aren’t about expressing some singular ethnic identity or celebrating the grandeur of the...
In his first week in office, President Joe Biden signed an executive order ensuring that the U.S. government buys products that were made in America by American workers. Numerous surveys have shown...
Technology makes life easier. It also speeds it up quite a bit. This is certainly the case in the kitchen, as well as the household in general. Tasks like washing the dishes and doing the laundry,...
Many famous books, movies, literary characters, sports teams, and musical groups began life called something else. Which begs the question — would they have been as successful had they retained...
During the coronavirus shutdown many people stuck at home have taken to reading and studying new subjects to pass the time. This has given them an opportunity to improve their vocabularies and their...
Many symbols of the Confederacy — including statues, names, and flags — have been removed from public places nationwide. Still, many state flags to this day contain such divisive symbols, often...