
Things Articles

The flag of the United States goes by different names — The Stars and Stripes; The Red, White, and Blue; Old Glory; and The Star-Spangled Banner. Regardless of what it is called, the American flag...
American culture and influence has spread globally since early in the last century, in part thanks to Hollywood. Be it Coca Cola, Nike, or rap music, people worldwide have adopted everything American...
Many famous books, movies, literary characters, sports teams, and musical groups began life called something else. Which begs the question — would they have been as successful had they retained...
Emergencies are one of those situations that nobody wants to have but should know what to do in case they occur. What do you do when help can’t reach you right away in different kinds of unforeseen...
Technology makes life easier. It also speeds it up quite a bit. This is certainly the case in the kitchen, as well as the household in general. Tasks like washing the dishes and doing the laundry,...
During the coronavirus shutdown many people stuck at home have taken to reading and studying new subjects to pass the time. This has given them an opportunity to improve their vocabularies and their...
Ever wish you had invented an everyday product that made your life easier or more enjoyable, and also maybe a little rich as well? If you’re looking for some existing inventions for inspiration,...
Words sometimes have two meanings, as Led Zeppelin sang in “Stairway to Heaven.” And indeed they often do. Especially, words can acquire new meanings and lose old ones. For example,...
From the time people were first aware of the vastness of the universe, we’ve asked ourselves this question: Are we alone? We’ve walked on the moon, landed spacecraft on Mars, and sent satellites...
Since the dawn of humanity, people have dreamed of reaching to the skies. Whether it be manned flight, conquering mountaintops, and building ever-taller skyscrapers, humankind has always worked to...
The ’90s were, in a way, a golden era for fashion. Various slip dresses, jeans, and grunge styles reigned supreme. Looking back on what these actually looked like — through the prism of 2021...
The autumn season is often regarded as a symbol of change and new beginnings. This applies to fashion choices as well. But fall has a way of sneaking up. One day you’re putting on your shorts and...
American culture and influence has spread globally since early in the last century, in part thanks to Hollywood. Be it Coca Cola, Nike, or rap music, people worldwide have adopted everything American...
April 15 will mark the 109th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, which claimed the lives of more than 1,500 people. It was among the worst maritime disasters in history. The ship was only five...
The English language is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of its users. While new words are created and some old words acquire new meanings, others just fade from use. Of these words we...