
Things Articles

Many people around the world consider themselves superstitious, and far more will act superstitiously if the chance presents itself. Superstition is defined as a belief or practice resulting from...
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines superstition as “a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.” That may...
Many famous books, movies, literary characters, sports teams, and musical groups began life called something else. Which begs the question — would they have been as successful had they retained...
Most of the technologies we use today, especially the smartphone, have completely taken over what were considered pioneering devices just a few decades ago. But almost every gadget today has an early...
The flag of the United States goes by different names — The Stars and Stripes; The Red, White, and Blue; Old Glory; and The Star-Spangled Banner. Regardless of what it is called, the American flag...
The thought of the smartphone being cutting-edge technology may make teenagers laugh, but there was a time when people didn’t have everything available at the touch of a button. Long-distance...
Many people are spending most if not all of their time indoors due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and they’re going to need activities to beat the boredom. Luckily, technology allows for virtual...
Behind every word there is a decision that was made about how and why a specific combination of letters was going to refer to a certain activity, object, subject, or feeling. And while the English...
Hunting for sunken ships and pirates’ treasure may seem like a childish fantasy, but there are people who have made it their life’s mission to locate lost shipwrecks. Whether they are trade ships...
Ever wish you had invented an everyday product that made your life easier or more enjoyable, and also maybe a little rich as well? If you’re looking for some existing inventions for inspiration,...
English is an impressive language. It boasts a functional vocabulary of about 200,000 words (French and Spanish commonly use only about half that number each), and adds thousands more words each year...
During the coronavirus shutdown many people stuck at home have taken to reading and studying new subjects to pass the time. This has given them an opportunity to improve their vocabularies and their...
Words sometimes have two meanings, as Led Zeppelin sang in “Stairway to Heaven.” And indeed they often do. Especially, words can acquire new meanings and lose old ones. For example,...
We all make spelling mistakes from time to time — in fact, “misspelled” is itself often misspelled as “mispelled.” It’s easy to get many words wrong, particularly homophones. These are...
Plants play an enormous role in the world’s ecosystem, supporting life as we know it. They are nature’s ornaments, decorating our forests, deserts, and jungles in all shapes and sizes and all the...