Lastest Stories by Colman Andrews

Marijuana-using drivers beware: A new device can help the police determine whether or not you’re high behind the wheel. We all know that we shouldn’t drive drunk, or let our friends have the car...
More than 36% of American adults ate fast food on a given day between 2013 and 2016, according to a report on fast food consumption by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and there’s no...
As many as a million Californians can’t drink the water that comes out of their tap. Most people have heard about the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan, where civic cost-cutting measures...
Some people may feel sorry for all the 23-to-38-year-olds out there today. They sound like a disadvantaged bunch. A study published earlier this week, conducted by the dating site Match, concluded...
Vitamin D is known as “the sunshine vitamin” because sunlight spurs its creation in the body. A new study suggests that one of its counterparts, vitamin A, might be the anti-sunshine vitamin —...
Until its restrictive immigration laws were eased in the mid-20th century, Australia’s culture, apart from that of the indigenous Aboriginal peoples, was predominantly British and Irish, and...
In a new survey of 21 major cities conducted by Sleep Junkie, an online bedding merchant, the City of Brotherly Love was found to also be the City of Sleepness Nights. Only 40% of people in the...
Australia’s Northern Territory or NT, a 548,600-square-mile wedge of land bordered by the states of Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia, has the highest rate of alcohol consumption...
The United Kingdom is in the news even more than usual these days as it hurtles towards Brexit, its withdrawal from the European Union. Now scheduled to occur on October 31 at the latest, this action...
Most dog owners realize that there are certain foods they should never feed their pet — dairy products, chocolate, splintery bones, and so on. What might be less apparent to some, though, is that...
Binge drinking by teenagers has declined. Millennials consume less alcohol than they used to, and many say they prefer cannabis (increasingly widely available and even legal) to booze. Nielsen data...
The first rule for choosing the best fruits and vegetables is to buy what’s in season, and preferably what’s local. Sure, you can get strawberries in December and tomatoes in March, but they...
What’s the point of good manners — of etiquette? To show consideration for others, to make those you come into contact with feel comfortable or at least avoid offending them, and in general to...
Student loan debt can be a killer, accounting for the most U.S. consumer debt in any category other than mortgages. Nearly 58% of graduates of four-year nonprofit public and private colleges in 2017...
The fight against cancer is one of the most important medical initiatives of our time, and almost weekly, it seems, some new therapy or freshly created medication is proposed as a possible weapon in...